PRINCIPle and operation
Electro surgery devices pass an electric current through the animal between 2 electrodes: 1 active electrode and 1 passive electrode (a neutral plate in the case of a monopolar or both tips of the forceps in the case of a bipolar).
The electrical signal is modulated by the unit depending on the result you want to obtain:
- Cut
- Coagulate
- Cutting with coagulation
- Cutting with hemostasis
Every time you select a function on the device, you modulate the signal to achieve the desired result.
There are monopolar surgery devices and monopolar and bipolar surgery devices.
- Bipolar function
The bipolar function consists of using forceps, the jaws of which act as electrodes.
The electric current circulates in the animal between both jaws of the clap.
Bipolar function is used to coagulate, it is very convenient for blood vessel coagulation.
- Monopolar function
In monopolar mode, several types of electrodes are used, for:
- Cut
- Coagulate
- Cut with hemostasis
The neutral plate which is used to establish contact with the animal and to pass the current between both electrodes is only neutral because its surface is large. Also, it is necessary that it is in perfect contact with the animal. If the contact is reduced to a small area, the neutral plate will burn.
To obtain the best results, we recommend that you apply a wet sponge on the plate. Under these conditions, it is not necessary to shave the animal.
An electro surgery device standardized color code:
- Yellow = cut
- Blue = coagulation
The power for cutting, coagulation, and on some devices, hemostasis, can be adjusted.
A bipolar electro surgery device always comes with a double pedal to control cutting and coagulation.
In monopolar mode, the handpiece has 2 switches:
- Yellow = cut
- Blue = coagulation
The electric current changes depending on several parameters:
- The distance between the neutral plate and the active electrode
- The animal’s density and electrical resistance
- The size and the thickness of the electrode in use
- The contact quality between the animal and the neutral plate
Some recommendations to obtain the best results:
- Standardize your method
- Adapt to each circumstance empirically
- Test the electro surgery device on a few pieces of meat beforehand
Some examples of protocols depending on the type of application :